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Our Policies & Guidelines

General & NXXTGen TEAMS


*All Policies are subject to change and it is the players responsibility to know and understand these policies.


  • USGA Rules
    The USGA rules will govern all play. If between the group, a ruling cannot be established and there is no rules official in the vicinity, we ask you play two balls and a ruling will be administered in the scoring tent. Competitors must announce to your marker or fellow competitor that you intend to play two balls and which ball you wish to count if the rules permit. Please do not sign scorecards until a ruling has been made official. Tie breakers for first place only will be decided by a sudden death playoff. The sudden death playoff will continue until we have a champion. If weather or darkness prevents the tour from completing the playoff Co-Champions will be awarded.
  • Nxxt Will Not Tolerate Poor Behavior At The Host Facility
    – All spectators and caddies are expected to carry themselves as ladies and gentlemen at all times. – Any spectator or caddie exhibiting negative behavior directed towards other spectators, caddies, players, course staff, or NXXT staff will be subject to IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE HOST FACILITY – Any spectator found to be disrespecting the host facility in any way, will be subject to IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE HOST FACILITY. – Any spectator or caddie that we find to be swearing, yelling, or exhibiting any kind of disruptive behavior will be subject to IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE HOST FACILITY. Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco NXXT does not allow the use of any illegal substances. Any use of any illegal substances will result in immediate removal of the spectator or caddie from the host facility and possible suspension from NXXT. NXXT does not allow excessive consumption of alcohol. Any spectator that appears to be visibly drunk or is behaving belligerently due to alcohol consumption will be removed from the host facility without warning and will face possible suspension. Any caddie found to be consuming alcohol will be immediately relieved of his/her caddying duties as well as being IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE HOST FACILITY. NXXT does not allow the use of tobacco by caddies. Any use of tobacco by caddies will not be permitted at any NXXT event. Code of conduct violation penalties ‍ The NXXT Tournament Committee, based on severity and frequency of the violation(s), may do one or more of the following: – Issue a warning. – Remove the spectator from the host facility and ban them for the remainder of the event. – Depending on the severity of the violation, a spectator is also subject to possible suspension from future events for either a set number of events or indefinitely as well as their players membership being suspended indefinitely. ‍NXXT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BAN A SPECTATOR FROM ANY/OR ALL EVENTS AT THEIR DISCRETION, FOR A SERIOUS BREACH OF THE HJGT CODE OF CONDUCT. A SPECTATOR’S VIOLATION OF THIS CODE OF CONDUCT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE CURRENT ROUND BUT MAY INCLUDE REPEATED OFFENSES FROM TOURNAMENT TO TOURNAMENT. ‍Appeals Any appeal must be made in writing via email to the NXXT Tournament Committee at
  • Distance Measuring Devices
    NXXT allows devices that measure distance only. Devices that measure wind and/or slope are not allowed.
  • Rainouts And Inclement Weather
    NXXT will make every effort to play an event to the conclusion. We will continue play in wet weather and cold weather unless lightning or severe weather is in the near forecast. In the event the participants need to evacuate the course, tournament officials and the host facility will sound an air horn. Once the air horn is blown you must discontinue all play. Wherever your ball lies, please mark it and we will make every effort to continue play. If an event is shortened due to rain there will be no refunds or credits issued. In the event a stipulated round is canceled due to inclement weather, NXXT will make every effort to post a score for that particular day. 9 hole increments will be used for shortened rounds. An entire age division must be through at least the same 9 holes for the score to post for that day otherwise no scores will be posted. If a stipulated round is completed by some groups and not others, the round WILL be official for those that finished the appropriate number of holes. No credits or refunds will be issued for shortened events. In the event that NO golf is played and the ENTIRE event is canceled, NXXT accounts will be credited in full for the event *minus a $50 administration fee. The credit will be in the player’s account to use for entry into a future NXXT event.
  • Refund/Account Credit/Transfer Policy
    NXXT has a NO REFUND POLICY on any and all Memberships and Event Registration Deposits. The following Tour Credit policy has been issued for ALL Event Registrations. Before withdrawing from a tournament please review our policies. All WD requests must be submitted via email to Your email will be returned within 48 hours. In the email please include the player’s name, reason for WD, and which option below you would like to choose. Please note that WD’s cannot be accepted over the phone and must be in writing. No exceptions will be made for any reason. – Requests for Tour Credit/Transfers that are received prior to 14 days before the first round will be honored for full entry fee paid minus the deposit – Requests for Tour Credit/Transfers that are received between 13 – 7 days before the first round will be honored minus 50% of the entry fee paid and minus the deposit – No credits or transfers will be issued if a participant cancels their entry 7 days or less prior to the first round. No exceptions will be made and no Tour Credits will be given. * If you withdraw and receive Tour Credit, and then decide to enter back into the event you withdrew from, you must pay whatever the current registration price is at the time you re-register for the event. In the event that NO golf is played and the ENTIRE event is canceled, NXXT accounts will be credited in full for the event *minus a $50 administration fee. The credit will be in the player’s account to use for entry into a future NXXT event. All tournament refunds will be without a $50 admin fee plus all service charges if applicable
  • Nxxt Withdrawal Policy
    Due to the Junior Golf Scoreboard policies and the rise in number of withdraws in junior golf, NXXT has instituted the following withdrawal policy. Once the player has decided to withdraw he or she must report to the tournament director. If a player fails to report to the tournament staff prior to withdrawing, their WD will be considered unjustified. An unjustified withdrawal is a situation where a player is clearly withdrawing due to poor play or lack of ambition. An unjustified withdrawal also includes withdrawing for any reason without notifying the tournament director. NXXT takes unjustified withdrawals very seriously and will not be tolerated. An NC (No Card) or NS (No Show) will be issued next to the player’s name in the tournament results based on the situation. Once a player has accumulated two unjustified withdrawals, his or her membership will be suspended for the rest of the calendar year.
  • Did Not Start, No Show, Withdrawal, No Card, And Disqualification Policies
    There are no more Justified Withdrawals. The junior golf community and rankings are no longer accepting JWD as a tournament designation.
  • Did Not Start – Not Submitted For Rankings (DNS)
    If a player does not hit the first shot of the tournament for any reason, it will be recorded as a Did Not Start (DNS) and will not submitted for the rankings.
  • No Show – Submitted For Rankings (NS)
    If a player begins a tournament and completes one or more rounds, signs a scorecard, and does not show up for a subsequent tee time without contacting an official, it will be recorded as a No Show (NS) and all official round scores for the event will be submitted for rankings.
  • Withdrawal – Submitted For Rankings (WD)
    If a player begins a tournament and notifies an official they will not be finishing the event, it will be recorded as a Withdrawal (WD) and all official round scores for the event will be submitted for rankings at the discretion of the tournament committee.
  • No Card – Submitted For Rankings (NC)
    If a player begins the tournament, and for any reason fails to turn in a signed scorecard for a completed round, it will be recorded as a No Card (NC) and all official round scores for the event will be submitted for the rankings.
  • Disqualification – Submitted For Rankings (DQ)
    If a player tees it up and commits a USGA Rules infraction during the course of play or unintentionally fails to sign a scorecard before leaving the scoring area it will be recorded as a Disqualification (DQ) and all official round scores will be submitted for the rankings.
  • Tournament Registration Deadlines
    Deadlines to register for all events are 5 days before the 1st round. A lot of NXXT events fill up before the deadline so we always encourage players to register as soon as possible to ensure you get into the field. In the event the field is not full 5 days before the 1st round, NXXT may allow late addition players after the deadline. This is solely at the discretion of the NXXT staff and NXXT reserves the right to add any player after the deadline.
  • Official Time
    The official time will be maintained at the starting tee(s) only.
  • Caddies And Pull Carts
    Pull carts are allowed in all age divisions. Motorized pull carts are not allowed at any event. Caddies are not allowed in any NXXTGen event for any age division
  • Penalty For Breach Of The Transportation Condition Is
    – Two strokes for each hole at which the breach occurred; maximum penalty per round is four strokes.
  • Nxxt Tournament Add-Ons
    NXXT Tournament Add-Ons can be found in registration for all events. All tournament add-ons such as push carts and yardage books are non-refundable.
  • Eligibility
    NXXTgen is open to all Girls ages 10-19 who are not currently attending college. NXXTGen College series is open to all players that have started their first semester at college. Players who have graduated from high school may play the summer before they begin college in the fall. NXXTgen is open to all junior golfers. The age group you will compete in is determined by your age as of the beginning of the first round of an event. All Players that register for a NXXTGen Event authorize the use of their name, image and likeness to the NXXTGen Junior Tour to use on all media platforms. If you wish to not have you name image and likeness used please contact the tour at to let us know
  • Divisions Of Play
    Our Divisions for 2024 are as follows: Girls: 10-12 Girls: 13-15 Girls: 16-19 Girls: College Any player is allowed to request to play up a division if they choose, these requests should be sent via email to NXXT Tournament committee will review and respond within 48 hours
  • Membership
    The NXXT membership is the best value in junior golf! Whether you are brand new to competitive junior golf or a seasoned veteran hoping to impress college coaches, NXXT’s exclusive membership will enhance your tour experience. Memberships when purchased are valid for the calendar year purchased during. Full year membership $195 · Discounts on Clic Gear and proactive sports products · Access to early bird discounts and specials · Opportunity to compete in season long races · Discount of $60 on each event · NXXT Member only discounts
  • Season Long Races
    Tour points are earned at each stroke play championship throughout the NXXT 2024 season. Tour standing points are earned by each event finish. The top 20 positions (including ties) at each NXXTgen event earn tour standing points. Only members are able to accrue season long points. NXXTgen Players of the Year will be awarded fine crystal at the conclusion of the 2024 season.
  • Points Breakdown
    1st-100 2nd-75 3rd-65 4th-60 5th-55 6th-50 7th-45 8th-40 9th-35 10th-30 11th-29 12th-28 13th-27 14th-26 15th-25 16th-24 17th-23 18th-22 19th-21 20th-20


I. Team Formation 

Team Selection

  • The Tournament Committee will select the team each week, and the team size will vary each week based on field size.

Team Release Day

  • Release day will take place the day after registration closes for each event.

III. General Rules

Team Composition

  • Each team consists of 4 players

  • If the field does not warrant 4 players the team size may change


  • The top 3 scores for each round from each team will count towards the team's total.

  • The team with the lowest cumulative score after the last round wins.


  • Teams are open to any player, whether they are Tour Members or non-members.

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